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Capparis fascicularis DC.

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 Capparaceae Capparidaceae
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 Capparis elaeagnoides Gilg. Capparis rothii Oliv.
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Vernacular names  
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Origin and geographic distribution  
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 Fibres Forages Fruits Fuel plants Medicinal plants Timbers Vegetables
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Production and international trade  
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Other botanical information  
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Growth and development  
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Major references  
 • Arbonnier, M., 2000. Arbres, arbustes et lianes des zones sèches d’Afrique de l’Ouest. CIRAD, MNHN, UICN. 541 pp.
• Beentje, H.J., 1994. Kenya trees, shrubs and lianas. National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya. 722 pp.
• Burkill, H.M., 1985. The useful plants of West Tropical Africa. 2nd Edition. Volume 1, Families A–D. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, United Kingdom. 960 pp.
• Freiburghaus, F., Ogwal, E.N., Nkunya, M.H.H., Kaminsky, R. & Brun, R., 1996. In vitro antitrypanosomal activity of African plants used in traditional medicine in Uganda to treat sleeping sickness. Tropical Medecine and International Health 1(6): 765–771.
• Geissler, P.W., Harris, S.A., Prince, R.J., Olsen, A., Achieng’ Odhiambo, R., Oketch-Rabah, H., Madiega, P.A., Andersen, A. & Mølgaard, P., 2002. Medicinal plants used by Luo mothers and children in Bondo district, Kenya. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 83: 39–54.
• Heine, B. & Heine, I., 1988. Plant concepts and plant use; an ethnobotanical survey of the semi-arid and arid lands of East Africa. Part 1. Plants of the Chamus (Kenya). Cologne Development Studies 6. Breitenbach, Saarbrücken, Germany. 103 pp.
• Heine, B. & Heine, I., 1988. Plant concepts and plant use; an ethnobotanical survey of the semi-arid and arid lands of East Africa. Part 3. Rendille plants (Kenya). Cologne Development Studies 8. Breitenbach, Saarbrücken, Germany. 120 pp.
• Johns, T., Faubert, G.M., Kokwaro, J.O., Mahunnah, R.L.A. & Kimanani, E.K., 1995. Anti-giardial activity of gastrointestinal remedies of the Luo of East Africa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 46: 17–23.
• Kokwaro, J.O., 1993. Medicinal plants of East Africa. 2nd Edition. Kenya Literature Bureau, Nairobi, Kenya. 401 pp.
• Maundu, P., Berger, D., Saitabau, C., Nasieku, J., Kipelian, M., Mathenge, S., Morimoto, Y. & Höft, R., 2001. Ethnobotany of the Loita Maasai. Towards community management of the forest of the Lost Child. Experiences from the Loita Ethnobotany Project. UNESCO People and Plants Working Paper 8, Paris, France. 34 pp.
• Neuwinger, H.D., 2000. African traditional medicine: a dictionary of plant use and applications. Medpharm Scientific, Stuttgart, Germany. 589 pp.
• Wondimu, T., Asfaw, Z. & Kelbessa, E., 2007. Ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants around ‘Dheeraa’ town, Arsi Zone, Ethiopia. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 112: 152–161.
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Additional references  
Citation in books
 There are 82 book citations related to Capparis fascicularis DC.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in web searches
 There are 162 citation in web searches related to Capparis fascicularis DC.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in scholarly articles
 There are 42 citation in scholarly articles related to Capparis fascicularis DC.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in news articles
 There are 2 news article citations related to Capparis fascicularis DC.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in Afrirefs
 There are 6 citations in Afrirefs related to Capparis fascicularis DC.. Click on "show more" to view them.
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Citation in Wikipedia
 There are 4 Wikipedia citations related to Capparis fascicularis DC. Click on "show more" to view them.
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General importance
Geographic coverage Africa
Geographic coverage World
Forage/feed use
Fruit use
Timber use
Fuel use
Medicinal use
Fibre use
Climate change
Food security

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